What Do Termites Eat? Do You Need To Inspect

Termites are well-known silent destructors. They silently invade the home and without coming to your eye, they keep damaging your property. Many people don’t have any idea about what actual termites eat? If you are one of them on the list, then, don’t worry we will guide you properly in this article, so that you could do a termite inspection in your home.

Termites invade without coming into your eye and infest the places where wooden items are placed. Unfortunately, our home is not only a comfortable place for us to live but for pests too. And, that’s why pests like termites infest and don’t go out easily.

Termites Control
Termites Control

What do termites eat?

The main thing that termites look for is cellulose. If you don’t know what cellulose is, then, let us tell you. Cellulose is a very valuable organic compound available in nature. It is available in many things that we use on a daily basis. Materials like wool, cotton, paper, or wood contain cellulose at high volume.

Why do termites prefer eating wood?

It is one of the most common and highly asked questions all over the world. Termites usually prefer eating wood because wood is one of the materials with cellulose at high volume and they need it for survival. Termites break down cellulose from wood with the help of protozoa or bacteria they have in their guts. By breaking down the cellulose fibers the protozoa and bacteria make the cellulose a nutritious food for termites. So, if termites are inside your home, then, your wooden items are not safe at all. It would be better if you do proper termite inspection on time.

What type of wood is preferred by termites?

Well, termites don’t like to eat all types of wood. The subterranean species of termites love to eat springwood having soft fibers. They don’t like to eat hardwood. They target those woods that resemble honeycombs or other dirt and dust particles.

Whereas, the dry wood species of termites prefer to eat dry wood that is unfortunately available inside your home. The damage done by dry wood termites looks very smooth. Now, if we talk about the choice of damp wood termites species, then, they prefer damped or decayed wood. These species of termites are very rare to invade homes.

The type of wood generally varies or depends on the type of species. In homes, mostly subterranean or dry wood species of termites infest. So, with frequent termite inspection, you can easily save your precious wooden furniture. Avoiding termite invasion is nothing but stupidity and we know you are not one. So, do a termite inspection in your home.


By reading this article, we hope that you got to know what termites eat and why they only prefer eating wood. Right. So, now, your first responsibility is to do a termite inspection on your premises. Either you do it or you hire pest control professionals, does not matter, but get it done.

Do’s And Don’ts When Controlling Fleas

Fleas are very notorious pests. They are all around the world. They are one of the pests who invade pets like dogs or cats, the symptoms which are visible by their presence are local itchiness, anemia, allergies, or some other severe diseases. This includes an internal threat of tapeworms or the bubonic plague. Their infestation is something which you should not ignore. Either it can cause you or your loving family members, including pet’s face severe health problems. So, these are 8 tricks you should know for flea control. But before you do fleas control there are do’s and don’t to follow. You need to know for making the process effective, fortunately, we are going to discuss it in this article:

fleas control
fleas control

The Do’s and Don’ts:

  • You should use only those things or preventatives which are prescribed by the Veterinarian for fleas control. Flea preventatives work very efficiently or properly. But they can cause harm to your pets as they contain dangerous chemicals to keep fleas away from your pets, or in some cases, it remains ineffective. So, it would be better if you use the prescribed preventative for fleas control.
  • If you find any fleas on your pet or you are getting any symptoms of their presence, then, it’s time that you start treating your whole home for fleas control. Keep in mind, after getting into your home by getting rid of your pet friend they spread into your home. Only attack your pets when they feel the need to feed themselves. So, you better focus on your entire home for pest control Essendon.
  • Whenever you take your pets outdoors do check them thoroughly for fleas before you take them inside your home again.
  • If you find any fleas on your pets, then, don’t hesitate to remove them either. They will become a problem not only for your pet but also for you. So, don’t avoid fleas control.
  • You should get your pet check-up on a monthly basis which will not only keep your pets fit and healthy but also keep fleas away.
  • For removing fleas you should always choose the best preventative for your pets. So, for getting the best preventatives you should take the help of your pet’s veterinarian, they will recommend you the best preventative which will help you to do fleas control as well as cause no harm to your pets.
  • You should not use preventatives which are recommended for cats if you have fleas on your dog or vice versa. Using wrong preventatives or medication will cause harm to your pets and lead them to fall for diseases like hyperthermia. Before using any preventative you should always concern yourself with a veterinarian first.
  • Do keep in mind that if you want to do fleas control, you should not make your pets bathe for 2 days after using any preventative as it takes 48 hours to work efficiently.


So, this article covered all of the do’s and don’t which you need to take care of while doing fleas control. Avoiding the do’s and don’t can cause harm to your loving pet.

How To Kill Fleas? 8 Tricks You Should Know

If you are an owner of a pet, then, you must be worried about one thing which is fleas infestation. These pests are very irritating and can make your well-mannered pet go mad in no time. As they bite or feed themselves by your pet’s blood. It will be a big problem for you and cause severe disturbance in your daily life and mental peace.

Don’t ever think to judge fleas by their tiny size, they are very destructive. If you think that you also have a flea infestation problem in your home, then, you must want them removed from your home as soon as possible. For that, you need to do flea control. You can also hire pest control services to prevent them from coming inside your home.

flea control
flea control

Flea bites

The most annoying thing about fleas is that they bite or suck blood. They have a very bad biting habit, rarely biting humans. Their main targets are your pets. By biting them they feed themselves which does not cause any pain. But severe itchiness can make you or your pets feel irritated the whole time. On the other hand, fleas generally can cause you health issues too, so flea control is important.

Ways to do flea control

Fleas can annoy a lot but don’t worry, luckily we have a handful of ways to do flea control by which you can prevent their infestation.

  1. Dish soap: Using dish soap is one of the common methods for flea control, it works as a trap for fleas. Just fill up a bowl with dish soap or warm water mixture and then, you have to place that bowl in those rooms of your home where you have seen lots of fleas. The mixture just acts like glue, so it will efficiently trap the fleas, you should repeat this process eventually to trap new fleas.
  2. Herbal flea spray: Another home remedy for flea control we have is using herbal flea spray which is very effective in flea control. You can get rid of fleas using non-toxic flea control sprays which are available in the markets easily or you can also make your own flea control spray just by mixing some regular home products like vinegar, water, lemon juice, or hazel. Before using the spray, vacuum your home properly once and then, apply.
  3. Baking soda: Many people struggle a lot while doing flea control in their homes. But, using baking soda is a very smart trick to remove fleas from the home. Just sprinkle the baking soda and it will help you to eliminate fleas from the carpets or other belongings. Baking soda works very effectively, so you will definitely be able to remove fleas from your home.
  4. Salt: For flea control using salt is also a good option, as it is a dehydrating agent it removes fleas.
  5. Lemon spray: You must be using lemon as your daily life food ingredient, but it is also helpful in removing fleas.
  6. Diatomaceous earth: Diatomaceous earth is a very fine powder that efficiently removes fleas from home.
  7. Rosemary: Using rosemary is another flea control home remedy by using which you will be able to get rid of fleas from your home.
  8. Flea repelling plants: There are many herbal plants that keep fleas away from your home. You can plant flower pots which will prevent same day pest inspection services.


So, these are 8 tricks you should know for flea control. These tricks are very helpful for flea removal, you can rely on them.